Quick Help

When something breaks a trained professional should be the one to fix it. If the task is pretty extensive then you should fill out a Work Order Form and Submit it to us. 
Please note that if you break something in the process of trying to repair it you could be held liable for the damages. So please, use caution. If it is extensive contact us about it instead of trying to fix it yourself.
Below are some step-by-step instructions on how to do simple repairs:

Turn on Pilot Light (Hot water tank or Furnace) If you are having trouble with your Furnace’s Pilot light or the Hot Water Tank, Click on a link below to view step-by-step instructions on how to relight your furnace’s pilot light.
Step-by-Step http://homerepair.about.com/od/heatingcoolingrepair/ss/pilot_light.htm
Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4BtZHrqHYQ

Repair a Tripped Circuit Breaker If your electric is out then this could be one of the reasons.Then again, how did you get here if your electric is out?

Video http://www.ehow.com/video_8134714_reset-tripped-circuit-breaker.html
Repair a Circuit Breaker Fuse With a blown fuse you electric will not turn on. So if resting the Tripped Circuit (above) didn’t work it is probably this.
Step-by-Step http://www.ehow.com/how_4795826_replace-circuit-breaker-fuse.html
Turn Off the Main Water Sometimes to replace something in the plumbing or if a pipe breaks… you need to do this
Video http://www.ehow.co.uk/video_4984842_turn-off-main-water-service.html
Turn Off Water for Sink If a pipe breaks or if water will not shut off in the sink try one of these…
Videos http://video.about.com/plumbing/Shut-Off-Water-Supply-to-Sink-Faucet.htm
Change A Furnace FilterStep-by-Stephttp://www.ehow.com/how_2047053_change-furnace-filter.html
Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGYrVgFSzV4


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